
Pictures That I Love

Just some of my favorite pictures of my kids. Not in any order just as I look through them I'll post 90% are taken by me, photography is one of my hobbies. I'll post as I come across more.


Watching Martha and Rachell Ray while being allergic to Wheat

I'm allergic to wheat and I like to watch Martha Stewart and Rachel Ray and the Food Channel. I suddenly became aware that I just torching my self! Every thing they make has Bread, Pasta, or flour! I haven't always known I'm allergic but I have (I believe) always been allergic. I love all things Wheat! I am on a mission! I'm going to wright them all (one day) and plead with each and every one PLEASE put a wheat free alternative on their web sites! There is plenty of Gluten free flours out there but to substitute is tricky? I Challenge all foodies to come up with alternative recipes using products easy to find like "Bob's Red Mill" GF flours and bread mixes... I'm good at cooking..I suck at baking unless there is a precise recipe...


So Cool

This really is a cool picture
47_kartini.jpg (image)


This is as I like to say Absolutely Fabulous way to show your support for gay marriage. If your against it...well then don't watch..


Osama Musical on Skins (BBC America)

I love BBC America it's refreshing I wouldn't however watch it if your easily offended. I just watched Skins for the first time and the high school was doing a play called Osama. It was a musical about Americans before and after 9-11. Watching it was a little strange I had to remind myself that this is a show from another country. Lets face it we would never do a musical + love story episode on hmmm Gossip Girl that involved The Twin Towers on 9-11. The lyrics that stood out were creepy "Then came the day Osama Blew us away Osama, Osama blew us away" it was uncomfortable to listen to But then you think of all the Musicals we have and there are plenty with tragedies from long ago.. Has it really been long enough? .....I'm not too sure it has...


So I'm new to all this. I kept away from the blog stuff because well I can't spell and my grammar sucks but I have a lot to say and I'm with kids 24/7. I'm a mom of 2 and I just moved to a new state where the only people I know are my in-laws...I have strong opinions and so does my mother-in law but they are very different...

I have fibromyalgia so that makes things difficult for me on a daily basis.

I say "Holy Hanna" or "What the Heck" often and when it comes to my kids I say the two together a lot. The phrases sums up what happens in my house or life on a daily basis...