
Hope is in the Air

Last night the first bi racial man became President Elect. Barack Obama! I was so excited the entire night and when the results came in I cried. I had decided that my son Lane who is 7 should stay up past bed time to witness this event, so when people on TV and I started to cry my son asked "Why is everyone so sad Mommy?". I looked at him and decided to tell him the truth of our history here in America.. The way we treated Black People Slaves,Segregation, and the horrible things that had taken place through out our history. Lane was shocked to say the least but now he truly understands as much as he can how amazing this is and when he is my age he will be telling his kids "I remember when Nana made me stay up and we watched President Obama' s acceptance speech. Then came the speech!...Need I say more....he will remember that night and I hope he will tell the story of when our Country pulled it's self out of darkness!

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